Donations stay local to fund critical treatments, healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment and charitable care.

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3D: Dice, Decks & D-Pads

Extra Life 2024

Join Our Team

A logo for a children's network hospital

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A group of puzzle pieces

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Saving lives by playing games!

The Dice, Decks & D-Pads group welcomes you in our effort to help save lives! For the last 16 years, gamers across the country and around the world have joined together in a day-long marathon to raise funds for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals across the nation, successfully raising over $120 million in that time. With 170 hospitals to choose from, each location treats thousands of kids annually, regardless of their illness, injury, or family's ability to pay. By donating, you, too, will be helping to support CMN hospitals and change the lives of thousands of children and their families!
Pixel is curious about Extra Life!Why we play...

In our little community of coworkers, friends, and family, we believe that games are better when we play together. After all, as the old adage says, it takes a village! Our "village" of friendly gamers has had its own experiences with hardship, and was helped through that hardship, itself, by the CMN. Take our team captain, David Rahl, for example:

"My twin sons were born premature by emergency C-section, and we didn't know if they would make it. Our son Alex turned out to be happy and healthy, and was able to come home after a little over a week. Ethan was another matter. The doctors discovered a malrotation that would have been life-threatening, if it wasn't corrected. He had to have surgery when he was only a month old. We spent 50 absolutely terrified days not knowing whether he would ever come home. Without the kind of support Extra Life provides, he might not have, so I'm fighting to help make sure other kids like him can make it home to their families, too."

Committed to Community
Dice, Decks & D-Pads are just average people trying to make a difference, and we know that the stronger our community, the bigger the difference we can make. You can help us make that difference, right now. Just hit the "Donate" button and give what you can. Every dollar, every cent, helps. There's a kid out there who needs that help, and a family waiting for it to come. Become a part of our community, a community that cares, and help us help someone else, because every one of us is worth it.

Happy gaming, everyone, and the best wishes to everyone who depends on the Children's Miracle Network!

Pixel plays games to heal kids!



Team Members