Donations stay local to fund critical treatments, healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment and charitable care.

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Healers of the Helix

Extra Life 2024

Join Our Team

We need your help... 

This years fundraiser is for Johns Hopkins Children's Center.

I have participated in past years, but never been a team leader. This is my first year being a team leader. I'm super excited for the possibilities of this fundraiser and the differences it can make for the children at John's Hopkins.

A fun story...

My Oma use to make crafts for the children at Hopkins with her friend Mrs. Ruth. They would go up there and give the children small things. Teddy bears, etc. They would also sell crafts to raise money for Hopkins. 

This is my chance... 

To give back just as my Oma did. Maybe one day it will be like she did with crafts. Today, however, I do it with video games and friends.

What happens...

My team and I play games for 24 hours starting 8:00 am July 16th through  8:00 am July 17th.

My goal:

-My personal goal is $500

-My team goal is $2000

***I would love to just blow right past both goals and see what we can really do together as a team and community.

What do I need...

- Donations

- Teammates (Send me a message and I'll get you set up on my team! It will be a day of fun and excitement!)

- People to watch my team and I play games on our special Extra Life stream on July 16th and 17th. 



Team Members