Donations stay local to fund critical treatments, healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment and charitable care.

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Shrouded Gaming

Twitch Extra Life 2024

Join Our Team

This year, Shrouded Gaming embarks on an ambitious journey, pledging to play games and raise funds not just for the thrill of victory, but for a cause that touches hearts: supporting the kids at our local children’s hospital through Extra Life.

Why It Matters Now More Than Ever

In a world where every child's health is a beacon of hope for the future, our commitment to making a difference is unwavering. Shrouded Gaming is answering the call to action, uniting with gamers worldwide in a shared mission to play and change lives, one game at a time.

What’s Going Down

Mark your calendars! Our dedication will be showcased in two monumental, 24-hour live streams:

  • Summer Stream: July 6th
  • Fall Stream: November 2nd (with a potential power-up to 48 hours if we hit our $4,000 milestone by the end of the July stream)

This isn’t just about endurance gaming; it’s about making each moment count for something bigger. We're rallying the Shrouded Gaming community to support this noble cause all year round, with these streams being our flagships of generosity and unity.

Exclusive In-Game Rewards

To sweeten the deal, we’re offering an array of exclusive in-game rewards for Destiny 2 players. Think unique emblems and a sleek ship to showcase your support. And keep your eyes peeled; we’re constantly adding more incentives to reward your generosity and participation.

How You Can Make a Difference

Your support has the power to create miracles for families in dire need. Every donation, big or small, goes directly to our local children's hospital, ensuring that the future is brighter for every child. Plus, your contributions are tax-deductible.

Feeling generous? Simply hit the "Donate" button at the top of our page. Let’s make history together, not just in the realms of our favorite games, but in the real world, where every bit of help counts.

Together, we play. Together, we make a difference. Let’s show the world the power of the Shrouded Gaming community. It’s more than a game; it’s a mission to change kids' health and change the future.

#ForTheKids #AreYouShrouded #GamingForGood



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