Donations stay local to fund critical treatments, healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment and charitable care.

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Team Enjoy Every Sandwich

Extra Life 2024

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We're on a mission to play games to help change kids' health. We've each chosen our local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. With 170 hospitals to chose from, each location treats thousands of kids annually, regardless of their illness, injury or family's ability to pay.

The story of “Enjoy Every Sandwich”

So where did “Enjoy Every Sandwich” or “EES” come from? Am I simply that fond of the culinary masterpieces found between two slices of bread? (Well, I am but that isn’t really the story). When I was growing up, I had a friend named Spencer Green. He was the son of the church pastor where my family took me every Sunday. Spencer and I got into trouble together, hung out, had birthday parties, you know, typical kid stuff up until I moved away after the fifth grade. We reconnected when I was in college. I was attending Texas A&M University and he was attending Southern Nazarene University up in Oklahoma. Then he was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma cancer. He moved back to Texas to undergo chemotherapy, radiation, surgeries, and all the horrible treatment you have to go through when you have that kind of diagnosis. When he moved down to Texas, he moved in with me and my roommates. The stories from that time are legendary, and most are best left for another time. However, around that time, Spencer and the crew were watching the David Letterman Show. Letterman had a special guest that night, Warren Zevon. Warren was an incredible singer songwriter (Spencer was a musician himself and I still listen to his album on Spotify), but he had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Terminal lung cancer. Letterman visited with Zevon for almost 30 minutes, and at one point asked him what lessons he had learned through this. As sincere as could be, Warren said that he has learned that you just need to enjoy every sandwich.

A simple phrase. But so powerful. Nothing in this life is too trivial to truly savor and enjoy. 

Well Spence loved that. So did we. For the next few years we wrote that saying everywhere. Made bracelets. Hung banners in hospital rooms. Made paintings. Made shirts. It was our motto and our war cry. And more importantly, Spencer lived it. The cancer was aggressively attacking his body, but we enjoyed the hell out of every single moment we had. Eventually, Spencer lost his fight with cancer, but even in his last minutes, he talked about how happy and full of life he was. That has stuck with me forever and will always serve as a reminder that life is way too short to not enjoy it. Enjoy every little thing, every small moment, every sandwich.

We need your help!

So now we are raising money for kids that are going through insanely difficult times. But they still have so much to live for and enjoy. Every penny we raise can help them do just that. Your donation is tax-deductible and will help change kids' health to change the future. Simply click on the "Donate" button at the top of the page to help.



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